Our expert staff provide services to those from newborn to over a hundred years old. These include basic behavioral tests and sophisticated computerized otoneurological evaluations. When appropriate, the latest digital hearing instruments may be utilized to help compensate for a hearing impairment.
Diagnostic Hearing Tests
Repeated exposure to loud noises, like the 140-decibel blast of a rifle or the 130-decibel roar of a jet taking off, can cause irreparably damage to the hair cells of the inner ear – those cells that enable one to hear. Hearing loss caused by loud noises can be prevented through the use of custom-made earplugs.
Hearing Loss in Children
Hearing loss at any age is an emotional issue and robs you of a sense that adds so much to the richness of life. Fortunately, many causes of hearing loss are treatable, and it is often possible to return the sounds of childhood to a young life.
Balance & Dizziness Testing
Dizziness or loss of balance is the second most common complaint heard in doctors’ offices. National Institute of Health statistics indicate dizziness will occur in 70 percent of the nation’s population at some point in their lives. Acute or chronic problems with equilibrium may indicate serious health risks or limit a person’s everyday living.